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Community Service

Giving back to our Chicago community & educating the next generation of future physicians

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Urban Health Early Outreach Program

Summer Education Series

Once you attend one of our Weekend Retreats, we know you will be coming back time and time again. They are a wonderful experience you will not want to miss, and a great way to get to know other members of Student National Medical Association (SNMA), University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine Chapter.

Bridge to Medicine Program

A Partnership between UIC-SNMA & Rush University

The Bridge to Medicine Program is an educational opportunity for high school students interested in pursuing a career in medicine. Through virtual workshops and panels, high school students are exposed to what it takes to pursue a career in the medical field, while also connecting them with current BIPOC medical students and health professionals for mentorship.

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Other Service Events

Community Health Fairs

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Are you with an organization looking to partner with us on health fairs, education, or other community service events?

Reach out to see how we can work together to further our missions to reach underserved communities and excite students about careers in the health sciences!

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